In ultima vreme blogosfera romaneasca se confrunta cu un nou val de spamuri. Spamurile rusesti.

Adresele sunt asemanatoare, diferentiandu-se printr-o cifra. Eu am de la la, dar si alte emailuri fantomatice.

M-am tot intrebat ce scriu nenii/botii aia acolo. Google translate m-a luminat. Aproximativ 😉

?????, ????? ?????? => Passed, senks author

???????? ???? – ???? ???. ???????.=> Excellent post – the word no. Thank you.

????????? ????! ???? ??? ? ?????? ) => ????????? Post! Blog in Reader)

?????????? ????, ???????! => Interesting topic, thanks!

? ?????????, ??? ??????? ?? ? ????, ? ??? ????? RSS? ? ?? ?? ???? ???????????? => I apologize, that little of the topic, but what is RSS? and quality on it to subscribe?

???????? ??????.??????? ??????. => Excellent statya.Respekt author.

????? ?????? ???????? ? ??? ?? ????? => Font hard to read in your blog

?????, ???????! 😉 => Cool, thanks! 😉

??? ???????? ???? ?????, ?????????? ??????????… => I like your office raises questions …

????????????. ?????! ? ??????! => Exciting. Passed! and niipet!

????? – ?????, ???????? ??? ??? ?????, ??? ? ??? ???????. ???? ????????? ?? ???? ?????? ??????, ?????? ???? ? ??? ???????. ?????? ??????-??????. => Science – Ocean, opened for a rook, and for the frigate. One carries on the bars of gold, another udit of herring. Edward Bulver-Litton.

????? ?????? ????????? ???????, ???? ?? ????? ???????? ??? ????. ?.????. =>The people can not be forced to keep silent, because he knows how to talk about himself. A. HWANG.

Acum…nu cred sa ma fi vizitat fratii de peste Prut, deci ramane alternativa spamului Voi ce mesaje ati primit pe ruseste?